Vacation ?? You're not going to set by the door and wait for the delivery ??? You're a stonger man than me..
I was relieved to see that you went with Axiom.. And the M80's no less ! WOW.. I was concerned about those tweeters and their interaction with my room.. My wife says she would be more than happy to send you your very own set of matching "Tweeter Towels" ! She just needed to know what color ??
Did you ask for the resistors ? Probably a good bet to do so.. Wouldn't hurt to have them on hand..
I'm also going to burn you a copy of Michael Burks "Make it Rain".. Don't know why I didn't throw that on Saturday.. Major amounts of quality bass behind a great blues player..
I'll be down to give a listen to yours when you're ready for company..

LFE ! The rest is just details..