If it were possible, I would do exactly that. Unfortunately, about 4 feet behind my seating area is a closet which comes out about 5 feet into the room from the side wall. To the far other side, the room continues, witht the back wall another 8-10 feet further down. So, my only option if I don't go with a stand appears to be mounting one speaker on the closet wall behind me (positioned front-forward like a proper rear-wall speaker), with the other across from it mounted on the side wall. I'm not sure if I'm being clear, but in essence, the speakers would be perfectly symetrical on opposite walls, but the rear-left speaker would be sideways along a wall and the rear-right would be perfectly face-out (poiting direcrtly towards the seating area) on the other wall.

Since the QS speaker design produces wonderfully tough-to-isolate sound, I'm wondering if this setup would work, or would I be creating an audible imballance between the two rear speakers?