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I was wondering why you went the direction of driving your Hales with your Adcom via pre-outs rather than using the Pioneers own front main power?


1) I already owned the Adcom amp. I guess I can sell it any time, but while thinking about it, why don't I make use of it...?
2) Releaving the 45TX receiver of the front L/R duty makes it run cooler.
3) It is visually nicer to have the big amp sitting on the shelf.
4) Sonic difference? I really don't know. But the power specs suggest a 2-3dB more headroom, which would never hurt.
5) It is COOL to have separate power amps.
6) When an "audiophile" friend is visiting, I don't have to make 100 excuses...

Bottom line: It is mostly PSYCHOLOGICAL.