Hmm... Didn't know the Angstrom brand till now. Thanks for the introduction, chess. Looking at the web site, the midwoofer driver used in their Obbligato flag-ship series looks suspiciously alike the midrange driver on the B&W Nautilus series. Is it possible that the driver is made by B&W (or a common OEM source?).

Lately, I am auditioning lots of "higher-end" speakers. I also recently listened to the M80s in a local friend's house. To my ears, the Axioms really shine -- they comfortably compete with other brands several times the price. Sure some other brands are "mellower" and "smoother" than the Axioms, but those ones, regardless of price, almost inevitably lose the superb sonic detai and cripsness of the Axioms.

I guess you can rest assured that you (we) made, at the very least, one of the best choices for the price range.