It's that time of year again -- upgrading time. Actually, it's been a while since I've done a speaker upgrade to my system; I've replaced the subwoofer and the receiver recently, but beyond that, I've kept my HT purchases to a minimum. Recently, though, I've been seriously bothered by the performance of my current system when it comes to dialog in 5.1 movies. So I started researching...and it brought me here.

Here is my current system:

Denon 3802
Velodyne CT-120 12" Sub
AR 318PS Front Towers
AR 215PS Rear Bookshelves
AR 225PS Center Channel

From what I can notice, the center channel seems to be seriously outmatched. It's muddy when it comes to dialog, and even configured correctly with Avia, I often have to turn up dialog-heavy scenes and turn down action-heavy ones. I'm tired of having to do that.

I'll post pictures of my living room when I get home, so you guys can get a feel for what I'm talking about, sizewise.

Anyway, I'm seriously considering upgrading to the following:

M50ti Front Towers
VP150 or 100 (not sure yet) Center
Either M3ti, QS4, or QS8 Surrounds.

I'm wondering what you all would recommend. I don't have an unlimited budget, but the more important decision to me is that I will not want to upgrade again in 5 years. I want this to be my last upgrade, save my television, in the next few years. So, with that in mind...

I use the system mainly for music (about 80%/20%), using the Denon 3802 7-speaker surround stereo setup, which sounds rather nice right now. In the future the ratio may increase for HT, but not significantly -- perhaps 70/30 or 60/40 at best. When we buy a house, I'm planning on building a media/theater room specifically for my lovely toys. Right now, though, this is all placed in the living room. :P

Hope that gives enough info. I'll be at home later tonight to post pictures, and hopefully fill in any questions I left unanswered.
