Hey guys, I have been debating for a while weather to get a projector or not. I have a hitachi ultravision 65 in that I got a few years ago. The picture quality on it is very nice, but as everyone knows BIGGER IS BETTER!!!! Questions I have about it are this. I have actually built a theater room in my basement that I have wired for a projector mount to the ceiling, but I am kinda scared that a projector may not have the same quality picture as the tv. My room is completely light controlled. I can either turn the light all the way on or dim them to any level. I have also thought about the z5 and the panny 100ax. How does a projector compare to this tv's color saturation, black levels. My seating position is about 19ft. back from the wall. I was thinking a 106 inch screen would be about right. With that size screen could I use a Z5 with the lights on for tv watching or would I have to go with the panny. Also, is there much difference in sharpness between a 1080p projector such as the epson and the z5 or panny. I am asking in reference to HD DVD/ blu ray material. If it is a noticable diff I may wait a little longer for the epson prices to come down even more. Ok, out of all of the questions, I am most concerned to know if projectors can give a very comparible picture to the 65in crt ultravision I already have. Thanks for everyone's input ahead of time.

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center