
As far as I can tell, I don't share the same taste in music as anyone on this forum. I'm still waiting for my very first positive mention on the "what are you listening to tonight" thread. I haven't lost hope yet.

Okay, Jordan, I spent the morning listening to some samples of the music you've suggested. I don't want you to feel left out.

Emily Haines--really liked her stuff. Reading into her bio I see she's a member of Broken Social Scene, who's "You Forgot it in People" I own. This was recommended to me by Scott (Sidvicious02). I've added her CD to my list.

Trentemoller--Although I am not a huge fan of techno, this is a bit mellow and atmospheric--which I like. The frantic pounding beats I can't handle. I can see myself enjoying this album.

Thom Yorke--This one's easy. I'm a huge Radiohead fan. Good choice. 'Nuff said.

Miles Davis--Another no brainer. Jazz is hit and miss for me, but "Kind of Blue" is an album everyone should have.

SNFU--Hmm, not for me.

Venetian Snares--Experimental and edgy. Made me nervous. I don't think I could make it through an entire CD.

Ellen Allien--More techno/experimental music. Again, not my taste as a genre, but her music is good. She seems to run her voice through all kinds of digital processors--keeps things interesting.

All in all, a pretty interesting mix. Everyone's tastes are different, so don't feel bad if no one seems to connect. So, please, keep throwing new things out there. I'm not adverse to trying something different.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose