
You truly made my day. I am so very impressed that you took the time not only to look up my past music suggestions but also to have a listen to them. Very impressive.

I certainly don't expect everyone to enjoy all of my selections but am glad some some people like some of them some of the time.

Agreed. Venetian Snares can be a tough listen. I think of his work as the musical embodyment of chaos and complexity theory - somehow, there is order amongst what seems to be randomness. His "Rossz Csillag Allat Született" album, where he presumably is trying to get back to his Hungarian roots, is an easier listen.

Since I am on the topic of hometown (being Winnipeg) musicians, I will also suggest Greg MacPherson who offers some really great straight-forward rock music. Since today is May Day, I would suggest Greg's "The Company Store" in particular.

Emily Haines is also in Metric. Busy girl she is.

Cheers and thanks for your feedback.
