I am planning on sitting 11 to 12 feet from the screen. I misread the review (at www.audiohoics.com) of the Panasonic PT-AX100U. I thought they were using a 130 inch screen for the review but it was just a 100 inch. They said that with Panasonic's Smooth Screen technology they could get very close to the screen. They were able to sit at just over 11.5 feet from the screen without the screen door effect found in most LCD projectors.

A 100 inch screen would be 87 inches wide. My front wall is 120 inches wide. So that seems to leave enough room to fit the speakers on the side of the screen without putting them in the front corners.

I guess all that is left to decide is if I want to do a diy screen for about $100 to $200 or just buy one for around $500. Can anyone suggest a brand of screen material that would perform as well as these more expensive Stewart, Da-Lite, Carada or Draper Screens.

- Nick