Ya I hear ya, too bad there isn’t a universal blue tooth remote. That would be way cool….

The PS3, in my opinion is still the best BR player there is though. It’s the only one that supports the lossless PCM tracks without issue, and plays back BR in 1080P/24. No others do both. The Samsung 1200 is the first one that MIGHT eventually, plus is a great SD/DVD player on par with the X2.

I’m thinking in about six months there will be more available and I’ll jump then. Heck, I just bought a Toshiba HD-A2 from Amazon for $235 (shipped) and got two free HD/DVD’s from Amazon and five more from Toshiba. Figuring in the HD disks, I basically got the A2 for free. Blue Ray will not be far behind with getting cheap players to market.