Where should I be looking to purchase balanced XLR cables from? I'm planning on getting the Axiom A1400-8 mated with the Integra DTC-9.8. I imagine the amp will sit right on top of the preamp, so a couple of feet should be fine. I was going to check out Blue Jeans Cable, but my internet connection is being stupid tonight. I can't access half of the websites I'm trying to go to. eBay works, and I see a couple of people selling sets of seven 1-meter XLR cables using Canare cable and Neutrik connections for around $120. Something tells me I'm not going to find better deals than that, but should I be concerned with the quality? I suppose I could save even more money by putting my own together, but then I'd REALLY be concerned with the quality.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any input you have, and how many people here are using XLR cables, anyway? I just figured if I'm moving to equipment that has the option, I may as well spring for the cables. I'll have to get a longer one to go to the sub as well, I suppose.