
Doug thanks...I'm curious, did you ever try a vp100 or 150 prior to using m3's? I'm curious about a comparison of m3/80's or m22/80's or vp150/80's....

I’ve tried M3’s paired with M80’s and then the M22’s with the M80’s. Either I’m tone deaf or there was no difference. They both sound / blend very well with the M80’s. The biggest issue I had was their placement. Too close together and the center channel sucked any where but right in front of the speaker. Too far away from each other and the center channel dialogue became confusing to me. At around 30” apart from each other, the center channel sounds great at all locations of the room.

I’ve been considering swapping out the M22’s with two VP150’s for no better reason than curiosity. One below and one above the screen but I’ve got better things to blow money on right now.