Hello. New to the forum. Looking for speakers to go with the new Denon AVR4306, purchased last Friday. Bailed on the 4308 (replacement, available next month) when I discovered the price was going up another $1,000.

Very happy with it so far. Have run CD and DVD through it, using fiber audio. TV (Pioneer PDP5070) is connected to it with HDMI video and fiber audio. All sound great.

Set up the Internet radio tonight, took maybe 15 minutes. Neat feature.

The unit has a web page that can be accessed from any PC in your house. It greatly improves your view into the unit.

Denon gets a bad rap for confusing manuals, and their on-screen display is horrible. The web-based configuration improves that. I haven't had an issue with the manual, but in the interest of full disclosure, I'm an electrical engineer - I'm supposed to think like they do. AVS Forum has a very helpful group of Denon enthusiasts on a number of unit pages.

Hope that helps. Like your speakers? That's the reason I'm here.