The new receiver line looks nice, though I couldn't help but notice around a dozen S-video inputs on the rear from the gizmodo shot. I'd trade all of those and their associated RCA inputs for a half dozen HDMI inputs.

Wi-fi will be cool for those who haven't already used another option to connect to their digital media library. I've had a squeezebox v3 for some time now. While the web interface is a bit clunky compared to GUI based media players, I will be interested to see if the Denon receivers have a suitable method to browse and/or search large digital media libraries. I have around 50k music tracks, and most products choke well before that. The Squeezebox software does an okay job, but the only satisfactory software I've found is J. River Media Center. It, however, doesn't stream near as effectively, so it's all about tradeoffs. I guess that's why I use both depending on the scenario.

A: Epic 80 * 600 / Integra DTC-9.8 / A1400-8
V: Samsung HL-S6187W / Tosh HD-XA2 / PS3 / Oppo 970HD