ok. Here's the situation. I've pretty much narrowed down my choices for setting up some HT. I've decided on Axiom or Ascend, but am leaning towards Axiom b/c everyone talks about how great their sound is for HT. This setup will be primarily for HT. I do have some fears however. I know Axioms are a bit forward sounding, but this may be the reason they sound great for HT. But my listening area may be a little lively and I'm afraid that it may sound a little bright, so maybe a more laid back speaker would be better? My listening area is 16x16, but it has a vaulted ceiling that goes up to 12 ft or so. This will probably cause more reflections in the sound. The room also opens up into the kitchen which is a pretty large space as well, 20x14. It also vaults, but only to about 10 ft in one spot. Before I go to the trouble of auditioning, I was wondering if anyone has used Axioms in a similar room. I hate to go to all the trouble of demoing and have to pay shipping charges back from the States. I've been looking at the m60's, vp150, and QS8'S for surrounds. Any help would be greatly appreciated.