Hi all!

In the spirit of all things Axiom, and not to rub it in at all (neener, nee --- wait, I take that back), I just wanted to put out the word that the medic8r clan has made reservations in Orlando (Disney's Saratoga Springs resort) for February 10 - 14, 2008. That's a Sunday thru Thursday, and there's a good chance that we will extend the stay a little, maybe through the rest of the week of Valentine's Day at a different location (closer to Universal).

I have enjoyed meeting up with and traveling with Axiomites on several occasions so far, and I hope that this will continue. So if anyone has been considering a trip to Orlando, come on down and help me tell the theme park powers that be how much their sound quality would improve if they replaced all their outdoor speakers with Algonquins.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.