Originally Posted By: Mojo
Why do you say that Nuance is sleasy?

I say Nuance is sleasy in the way they allowed their retailers sell their products; high pressure sales, lack of knowledge of the product or knowledge of home audio in general,outrageous prices(20 grand for the big 7 ft tall speakers, which was cut in half after i said "ya right", then cut in half again and once more down to 2500 for a set of tower speakers when all it is, is just a nice cabinet with paper cones covered with a coating to make it look otherwise), forbidding anyone to review their products.... the list goes on. They have big sound, with big boxes that appeals cosmetically to people who think size matters. I know I have friends who wn them and were ripped 40 grand, no lie, and honestly I think they look sharp being big, but I wasn't nearly impressed even before I found how much they really cost. I see all over the place people trying to sell them for 4 grand or more on Kijiji and other sites like Buysell.com etc. So yeah, thats my two bits on that and thanks to everyone else on commenting about soundstage.

Panny 50"PZ85u, Anthem MRX510, Emotiva UPA7, Monitor Audio Silver 8, Centre, FX, HTPC, PS4