Originally Posted By: pmbuko
Here's my favorite break-in method.
  1. Find some mono program material. Old Beatles recordings work well.
  2. Connect your speakers out-of phase (i.e. connect the wire backwards on the back of one of your speakers).
  3. Put your speakers face to face so there is less than 6" of space between their fronts.
  4. Get a heavy blanket and drape it over the speakers. This will muffle the sound that leaks out while they're playing.
  5. Turn on your equipment, insert CD, turn up the volume all the way, and hit play with endless repeat.
  6. Now leave the room immediately and let the music continue for 30 days or the duration of your money back guarantee, whichever is shorter.

Because the music is in mono and the speakers are out-of-phase and facing each other, you should actually hear very little sound even though the speaker drivers will be moving quite a lot. And who would want to hear the sound from un-broken-in speakers??

I figure if you do believe in break-in, you should go all out.

Did I mention I'm a non-believer? \:\)

DAMMITT!!!! 6"???? I thought it was 16". Woe is me. This explains why everything sounds a little off, even with a solid state maple shelf, crystals and magic pebbles.