My TT from high school was the Pioneer PL-518 with a Shure V15 cartridge.

I had it sitting on a big "L" shaped entertainment Center that I built in shop class. The base held a TV with cassettes and LPs below. The left of the base held the TT with a "rack" above (making the "L"). The "rack" had two switches mounted on it; the first was for a hidden, "under-shelf" 15-watt light above the turntable and the other switch operated a muffin fan that exhausted air upwards from the top-mounted integrated amp. The TT sat on a "floating lid" box that was filled with sand that helped reduce infrasonics.

Someday, I'll have to dig up a photo! It was pretty cool looking for when the ladies came over.... \:\)

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::