I've put off this post too long today....

So my almost-14 year old daughter decides to have a Super Bowl party at our house last night. I say "fine"... It cost us like a total of $25 for pizza and pop (soda for those of you not from around here). Pretty cheap for about 10 kids. Well, the weather turned to a bit of snow, and we ended up with 5 kids over, plus my daughter. So I set up everything in the home theater so that they can watch it in there, I get all of my game room stuff turned on and ready to go. All is good.

So then I go upstairs for about 20 minutes to get away from the noise... They cranked up the volume, and then thought that they had to talk over it. Duh, turn it down a little and you don't have to scream...

Anyway, so I head back downstairs to check in on things. I am just standing there talking to the kids, and out of the corner of my eye I see that my center channel speaker is sitting crooked on the shelf below my screen.... Then I notice the M60 lying on its side. UGH! I kept my cool, but told them (somewhat firmly) to be careful. Nobody fessed up to know ANYTHING about what happened. I told them the ballpark price of a replacement speaker figuring that a $500 M60 and a $410 VP150 thinking that things would settle down. I mean it isn't like the kids were wrestling or throwing a football around down there.

So I calm down a little, and don't really take a damage assessment. Then about 10 minutes into the 4th quarter, do my 20 minute check in, and let one of the girls know that her mom is upstairs waiting for her. So she says by to everyone, and then one of the guys gives her a giant bear-hug and the two of them manage to knock over the M60 right in front of me. This time it falls the other way. I then see the damage that happened after the first fall. Boy was I ticked to say the least. I didn't yell, or swear, or anything, but they could tell I was mad.

So the two come upstairs and they apologize, and I tell them that there are more important things in life than a speaker (although at the moment I couldn't think of anything because I was still miffed), and that the damage was from the first incident and not what they did.

So after the game, I have to run a couple of kids home. I got back and did a full damage assessment. Everything *seems* to function, but there is definite cosmetic damage. The M60 has a BIG "ding" on the top right edge where it crashed into the VP150, where it put a ding into the left center edge of the grill and cabinet corner (not TOO visible likely), and then the back right edge of the M60 is all scraped and scuffed because the speaker fell right against the wall and the frame of the screen.

So the M60 is dinged up pretty well. the VP150 has a small, somewhat hidable ding on it, and the frame to my $820 Carada screen has a 3.5 inch tear in the velvet trim and it pretty obvious, and another 3.5 inch "scuff" as well where the fuzzy part of the velvet is worn off.

I need to do some frequency checks tonight, but I think that the speakers will still function, it just ticks me off. It isn't like a woofer that could be swapped out, or even just covered by the speaker grill. My speakers all came from the factory outlet, but looked like they were regular stock and not B-stock until now.

Farewell - June 4, 2020