Just noticed this post today:


A couple weeks ago I finally took the plunge buying a PS3 right after the Warner Bros. announcement. At first I was mad since I wanted HDDVD to win this war. Not to mention HDDVD had some very nice offers around the holiday season and I almost purchased a HDDVD player. But, it looks like it is going to be Blue ray.

Now, I know with this kind of format war anything can happen. But, I say now is the time to jump in. At least buy a PS3 and start renting or buying any movies that you would buy on dvd on Blue Ray. Encourage any friends and family that are even remotely interested in a nice picture on their big screen tv to do the same. If people wait too long for the format war to be over then Blue Ray is going to be in a new format war with downloads (that are already starting) before it can even establish itself well.

I realize that download speeds are nowhere near fast enough to download DVD's let alone High Def one's. But look at the music industry. When people learned that they could get the convenience of downloads they could care less about the quality as a majority. Look at all of this overly compressed crap that is being sold much better than cd's (the dying format). We are not far away from downloaded movies being overly compressed crap with no alternative, if Blue ray doesn't get established very soon. I can see the mass majority of people very happy that they can download a "high def" movie and it is only 2 to 4 gigs and being oblivious to the fact that it looks worse that a dvd they bought from the store a couple years ago.

Now is the time to get into this format if you care at all about high def movies.

- Nick