I haven't really played anything past FF VII either.

I played FF1, then the next one I played was FF VII. I went back a couple of years ago and played FF 5 on my xbox SNES emulator. I beat the game and clocked in about 60 hours. I got about 13 hours into FF4 after that. I fired it up the other day to play it since my 360 is getting repaired... I had no idea where I was at on FF4 or where I was supposed to go!

I did play a beta for FF XI (The mmorpg) when it came to 360. I clocked in like 40 hours in 5 or 6 days! I decided that an MMORPG game like FF XI is entirely TOO addicting so I opted not to buy that one when it came out

I should also mention that I went back to play FF7 two days ago and it really sucks! One of the cool things was how neat the graphics were for the spells/ect. LEt me tell you that the graphics are HORRIBLE!
