I'm glad my personal stories are appreciated. I wonder sometimes when I post them..."who the heck wants to hear this?". \:\)

oh...and btw, you guys that change your avatars all the time...stop it! \:\) I know you all by you avatars! I didn't even realize Peter had posted to this thread until just now typing this - and I had replied to him! \:\)

 Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
Dear Craig,

Your ongoing willingness to tell personal stories is something I treasure. From them, we have a great opportunity to learn and to heal.

That must have been a great encounter. Something to savor.

Congratulations on doing work that you love. Most people are not nearly so fortunate.

I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story.

We make it a point to see feature IMAX films when we can; Spiderwick Chronicles will be soon. It adds measurably to my sense of joy and wonder that I have the honor of seeing your work.