I get the same thing when i plug my ipod into the audiobyte amp, hi pitch whine, i actually had to restore my ipod to factory after plugging it into the amp, it was toast. I had the unit replaced because of this and a volume knob that wobbled and would grind when you turned it.

The second unit does it as well, hi pitch whine, and the volume knob is still not very smooth although a bit better. Maybe a $350 set of computer speakers shouldn't use a cheap plastic knob, i dunno. Also the paint job leaves a lot to be desired on the speakers.

I've been a big axiom fan (m60's, 150, qs8's) and going back to the AX-2's, my brother still uses them and they sound great. Major let down on this product.
On the plus side they do sound pretty good, but not very loud.
