The EP400 does look great, but I definitely can't swing the funds. For that matter, if I was going to spend $1500 total rather than around $650 I probably wouldn't just be getting two m3's and a sub. I'd probably add a vp100 and a couple of qs4's.

That paradigm does look very nice. The online buzz is very positive, and I like the size. The price may be just pushing it out of range, though. Does anybody know if those can be had for under $400 anywhere? Is it worth paying $150 more than the VTF-1 or $200 more than the STF-2? (at the $500 price point I've seen bandied about in a cursory search) I'd consider moving up to the VTF-3 at that price, but the cabinet gets a bit bigger.

Glad to hear the m3's should be enough speaker. My room isn't huge. Around 12x16 or so I think. Maybe as long as 12x18. I'm not great with measurements. It does have a 10' ceiling though. My whole house is only 1500 square feet, so there's only so much space to fill.

Last edited by woofersus; 03/15/08 03:31 PM.

Tim Evans
East Street Audio