Well, if we're talking about a 5.1 system with speakers which are not full range, then at first I thought, sit each speaker (not the center) atop a nice subwoofer and twiddle with the cross-over frequencies. That should approximate 4 full range speakers.

Then I thought, how long is a 20Hz sound wave? Googled the matter and was surprised to find the answer is 17 meters. Wow. That's larger than most rooms. So, I googled, how long is a 20Khz wave? 2/3 of an inch they say. Zounds.

I suppose the idea behind time corrected speakers is that each frequency arrives at the listener's ear at about the same time. I suppose we could move the subwoofer(s) into the next room. Inconvenient and peculiar.

Maybe a 3 dimensional tesseract type layout would work? What? did someone say audiophiles are peculiar?

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.