Originally Posted By: Megnaro
If I have a home network set up on XP, with several folders being shared in order to stream video and audio files from my main PC to my HTPC, would the PS3 also be able to pick up on this network and see the shared folders to stream video/audio? If so what do I need to do?

Absolutely. There is a wealth of information out there. Take a look at at this thread and at this forum (containing many threads).

You will find that using media server software like Windows Media Player 11 or Tversity will likely be required. Don't lose site of the fact that you can plug (multiple) USB Hard Drive into the PS3 and get at your media from there (eliminating the added complexities involved with streaming from a PC).

Matter of fact, you can stream from your PC AND plug a USB drive into the PS3.

The capability of the PS3 to make use of external USB drives makes the issue of 40GB vs 80GB pretty much a non-starter. Plus, you can always upgrade the internal hard drive if desired.