I usually tell people to remove their floor molding and run it in the space under the drywall. You can even carve it a bit if it's too close to the floor as it will all be hidden when you put the molding back. It's then usually not hard to fish it up to the hole where the box, wall plate or speaker will hang from on the wall.

However, you have the additional challenge of getting it across the ceiling. What's above the ceiling? If it's attic space, you are laughing. Run it up a wall into the attic and go wherever you need to go. If it's another level of living space, I can't see how you will get to mid ceiling without cutting a hole where the ceiling meets the wall to restart the fishing process and possibly drill through the beam that is likely there.

All that said, you might be a good case for the flat wire I hear mentioned from time t time.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.