OK, I've been driving myself nuts over the last two weeks over this sub stuff. Endless looking at specs, reading through posts, trying to sort through conflicting opinions...

I swear, if I do this much longer, I'm gonna go over the deep end. I know, you already think I have.

So, I called Axiom and upgraded my order to a full home theater... including the EP350. If I apply the money saved against the cost of the 350, thats a reasonable price for a good sub.

Two things (besides going crazy) pushed me over the edge. One was this thread about bullets. I don't need for everything, well anything really, to slam me in the chest. I think I can live without the larger than life effects if a sub pumping out 115db of slam.

The other think was a post that got me thinking about my audition at Axiom. When comparing the M80 to the M22 + EP350 I remember how the 350 seemed to really open up the bass in music.

If the M80 is capable of good clean bass, the EP350 is even more capable. I am not convinced other subs will do this unless I spend a lot more money. This is to be a music first system and I don't want to compromise my music for 5db of thump on the bottom end. Add the discount and it tips things in favour of the 350.

Having written all this, it was a hard decision, even having listened to the EP350. It seems to me that the sub market had really moved forward. If the EP350 dug a little deeper and kept its musical fidelity, its would be a slam dunk... thump...

Now, JP, have you packed those speakers yet?


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!