More shout box harvestin's, fresh from the thresher:


[medic8r] Muppet therapy!
[fredk] OK Peter, you're right. All those avatars lining up nicely in a serious post about audio cracks me up. \:\)
[medic8r] Bert, did those pigeons give you psittacosis?
[kcarlile] man, that almost fits. But don't talk about my pigeons that way!
[medic8r] I'm glad I logged in from home - dial-up and all - catching these new avatars gave me a laugh before bed
[kcarlile] We need one for Rick.
[St_PatGuy] it's a good thing.
[kcarlile] well, both Ricks.
[St_PatGuy] Yeah, there are some regulars that got left out
[kcarlile] that's not nice!
[kcarlile] RickF shall be.... Floyd!
[medic8r] that'll comlete the Electric Mayhem
[medic8r] *complete
[kcarlile] But what about wid?
[medic8r] and Eric Falardieu
[kcarlile] indeed.
[St_PatGuy] for no good reason, I'll say Eric as Lew Zealand
[fredk] I think Amies task for tomorrow should be to update the avatars of those 'left out'.
[kcarlile] gonna have to look up Lew Zealand
[kcarlile] perfect.
[kcarlile] absolutely perfect.
[St_PatGuy] don't forget about Chess
[medic8r] Sam the Eagle, except Chess is Canadian, hmm
[medic8r] Not a lot of Muppets left
[medic8r] He might get stuck with Elmo
[St_PatGuy] Yeah, that's what I was thinking, JP.
[fredk] Rizzo the rat.
[medic8r] Even though she's not an Axiom user, Claire is Camilla the chicken
[St_PatGuy] That fits.
[St_PatGuy] especially given Gonzo's disposition to poultry.
[medic8r] I could see sirquack as Sam the Eagle, then we could make Chess Scooter ...
[St_PatGuy] No, Randy's a better fit as Scooter
[St_PatGuy] We could make Chess Dr Julius Strangepork
[St_PatGuy] Craig should be Link Hogthrob.
[kcarlile] works for me.
[kcarlile] still need wid.
[kcarlile] wait, did we decide on a Sam the Eagle?
[St_PatGuy] Wid's normal, unlike us.
[St_PatGuy] No, he'd be best for Rick (Wid) i think
[kcarlile] well, there we are.
[kcarlile] Doc, we need a list update.

OK, youse guys who haven't claimed a Muppet yet, your time is running out! Not many choices left!

Last edited by medic8r; 06/28/08 05:31 AM.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.