Hmm, I just looked at the specs for the Sony, and it looks good, but as HomeDad said, the upgrade in sound may not be that noticable. Sony receivers have never been too popular here on the boards, but who's to say that Sony couldn't upgrade and get our attention.

They certainly have gone gonzo on the HDMI: 6 in, 1 out. And your price is not bad. From what I just saw on Google, that AVR retails for $1000 to $1700 in the USA.

I'm curious about what the HD audio codecs can do, as I've always had the nagging feeling that my BDs are underperforming with my current set-up. Woe to me that Sony has beaten Outlaw to market with HD audio codecs!

But back to your situation. If you're not going to get Blu-ray discs, then I say wait for an AVR upgrade until you do. Enjoy your Onkyo and don't let the upgraditis bug make you spend money unwisely.

Which part of Africa's butt do you live in? ;\)

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.