Well Ken, I'd say go with the Strauss and Brahms and pass on the others(of course, the main reason that I say this is that I don't have the slightest idea what any of the others are). I assume that you got another Beethoven 9th without a squeaking chair, as I've suggested a couple times before, so I won't repeat that.

Eric's recent mention of the Borodin symphonies reminded me of a terrific collection that I hadn't listened to recently, so I was enjoying it earlier this evening. I'll give Tower links on these, since it looks like you'll be spending plenty at Amazon already, and the Tower prices are a bit better(but shipping is slower). Go with this Borodin collection . Then, the Brahms pick indicates that you might be in the mood for a little chamber music, so I'll suggest my two favorite chamber music CDs: this beautiful Debussy-Ravel disc and The Emersons doing three of the most popular string quartets in great style. A Daphnis et Chloe is essential, of course, so go with Dutoit . Nice package for about $26 with free shipping.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.