Hi guys,

I posted a similar thread on another board, but wanted to see what members of this board thought.

1). I was going to get M2s and the VP100, then thought about the M3. I think I'll stick to the M2 as I'm primarily using them for HT/TV/games. I came across a CNET review of a package system with M3s and the VP100. The review stated the VP100's dialogue sounded muffled and didn't match well with the M3 they were using. I talked to an Axiom rep who assured me the VP100 is voice-matched for the M2,M3, M22 and M60. I like the Axioms for the 'bang for the buck', but would steer clear if the center and fronts can't get along.

2). I noticed the M3/M2 have titanium tweeters and aluminum woofers, resulting in crisper, yet brighter sounds. I've not had experience with both metal tweeters and woofers. How are your experiences with titanium/aluminum tweeters and woofers?

3). Basically I'm eyeballing an upgrade to my HTIB. Right now it seems down to Polks (RTIA1, TSI series), Paradigm (Atom), AV123 X-series. Any general advice vs Axiom M2s? I've only auditioned the Atoms, which sounded good to my ears. None of the B&M stores around me have Polk anything set up in a decent configuration.

Thanks guys. I appreciate any advice. * Note - here's the link to the CNET review http://reviews.cnet.com/surround-spe...7-9387841.html