I just noticed on amazon.com that the first season of Mad Men is $31.95 on Blu-ray while the dvd is $31.99. I saw the first episode last week and it seems to be a very good show, so I will probably pick it up. I thought it was pretty cool that the Blu-ray is cheaper than the dvd. The only other Blu-rays that I noticed were cheaper than the same dvd was Weeds seasons 1 through 3. Imagine if we saw the same trend at the big sellers of dvd's like Walmart and Best Buy. Say when Iron Man comes out in a couple of months, the Blu-ray and dvd were priced the same, rather then the dvd being about $17 and the blu-ray being about $35 to $40. Or better yet, the dvd is $17 while the Blu-ray is only $15. I bet that Blu-ray would become the dominant format over dvd very quickly if that were the case. But, this is only a fluke so I guess I can stop dreaming. Now we can get back to the highly over priced Blu-ray discs, unless of course you hunt around online.

- Nick