An odd problem - maybe it is common place

TV - Insignia NSLTDVD26-09
Cable - comcast
Cable box - Motorola DCH3416

component connections work fine
HDMI works fine for channels 210 and higher, but below that the hdmi doesn't carry any sound (or the tv doesn't play any sound).

One explanation I found is:
1) the (TV) has an HDMI, therefore it is expecting audio along with the video when it senses the HDMI is hot
2) with the above in mind, the (TV) ignores every other input when the HDMI is on
3) the STB is DVI therefore it's audio out connectors are live, along with the SPDIF.

1) downgrade the HD to 480i/p and use component video
2) use the DVI-HDMI along with an aux sound system that feeds from the SPDIF (better solution even though it does cost me more $$).
I am not sure this is the issue - as I get sound on some channels. Any clues out there? The obvious solution is to hook the sound up to my receiver and axioms - which I will do. But why doesn't the sound work to the tv? I have tried two different TVs, 2 different moto stb boxes and 2 different hdmi cables. HDMI shows up somewhat better on my set - as is expected.

Hope this all makes sense.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.