Long-time Windows user/developer here. I bought a new laptop about 8 months ago that came with Vista32. Hated it at first. Almost blew it away and went back to XP. But I gave it some time and I've grown used to it now. SP1 is much better than SP0, so make sure you're updated (if SP1 exists for V64).

Is there a particular reason that you're running Vista64? I only ask because everything I've read/seen about Vista seems to point out that Vista64 (and especially many drivers) isn't as stable as V32. Unless there's a specific need, go with 32. On the other hand, Photoshop *is* one of those apps where you may have a real reason for using 64.

But since your'e on 64....

I'm not too familiar with CS3. Do you have the 64-bit version of it? Is that even an issue? As someone else pointed out, make sure you're using the right installer. I'd think that Vista64 would be able to handle a 32-bit installer, but you never know.

If you think it might be RAM related, then by all means, swap out your RAM. If you've got more than one stick, pull one of them at a time and see if you've got a bad one. It does happen.

Try disabling UAC, rebooting, and then doing the CS3 install again. That has solved a few weird problems for me. Hate that stupid feature. Allow or Deny?

Have you tinkered with any of the drivers? I know that some drivers are problematic for Vista in general, and 64 is worse. If you've tinkered with any of them, that could be causing all sorts of strange problems.

What other software are you running on the PC? Any sort of Antivirus or Spyware? Try disabling it and running the install again.

Is this an AMD or an Intel computer? It has been my experience that Intel based systems run Vista better than AMD ones. In the past I've been a fan of AMD, but I have to admit that it seems like the people I know that like Vista are all running Intel Core2Duo systems. Myself included. And the people that dislike it are running AMD systems. Zero proof, but it sort of seems that way.

Good luck!

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office