That could be part of the problem...

Nick, how many gigs of ram does your system have? Since you went with V64, I'm going to guess that you have 4GB+?

Vista 32 can only handle 3.2GB of ram, as that's the limit of memory addressing for a 32-bit OS. If your V64 system has 4GB+ of ram, then it might screw up 32-bit installers. If there is any sort of memory check in the installer, and V64 reports 4+GB, it's possible that the installer will blow up.

If you have more than 3.2GB of ram in your system, if you can, remove memory to get your system below 3.2GB. If you have 4GB, then the common setup would be to have 2, 2GB sticks. Remove one of them and just run with 2GB. Yes, your system will run a little bit slower, but it should be fine. Then try the installer. If it works, install, shut-down, and put your memory back in.

Just a theory...

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office