Originally Posted By: fredk
I think we need to know a couple of things before we can answer.

Are you setting up as 5.1 with all 4 M22s as mains, or are you going to a 7.1 setup? How much of that space do you want to fill with sound?

Sorry, I should have clarified that in my other post.

7.1 Set-up
2 ea M22 for mains
2 ea M22 for surround back
2 ea QS8 for surround sides
1 ea VP150 for center channel

I do have a sub, a cheep little Quest that will also need replacing but I want to focus on that last.

Due to WAF factor as you call it *laugh* The suround backs will be at the back of the room on book shelves. The couch is in the middle of the room so there is equal distance from the mains to the listener and the surround backs to the listener. The surround sides will be slighly closer to the listener parallel to the couch.

I hope that makes sence.


Last edited by RobbP; 08/27/08 05:47 PM.
