Originally Posted By: pmbuko
If I ever live down there, I'm buying a house boat. Seeing all that water in between me and my home would not be something I could handle. Yikes!

Those pics were taken at 3PM. I started marking water level every hour starting at 4 and ending at 7. There was a 4.5" vertical rise in those 3 h with the crest expected by 9. At 7, the entire driveway at 137 was under water and half of my driveway as well. As odd as it sounds we didn't even break a sweat. These water levels are higher than Gustov which went THRU Louisiana. Ike is one big storm and news in the AM from Texas will probably not be pretty.
TD Allison back in 2001(?) brought us more water than this and we had kayaks going down the street. Katrina was a whole different beast. Water levels for her were over the STOP sign in the first pic and at the top of the front porch handrail in the house on the top left of the second pic.

