Didn't think I would see this day...when I think of Axiom your face and name is always right there.

I was lucky enough to meet you at the 25th picnic, chat through emails and a couple of times on the phone. Ian and you prove that good things happen to good people, the nice guy/gal doesn't finish last and to enjoy what you do.

Thank you for everything you've done for me and I hope to see you around the boards or Northern Ontario. The leaves were just starting to turn last time I was up and I won't be going to North Bay until Nov. 8th for my sister-in-laws wedding...so I will have missed them again.

I've been to the factory 4 times and would love to go again for another picnic/get together. It's funny how connected you can feel to the people on the boards and how they become part of your life.

I didn't see any info on why you are stepping away, and I hope it is something positive. I got the impression it was but I will take that offline.

Take care and keep warm, the Canadian winters coming!

High Gloss Cherry
M60 VP150 QS8
Open for Auditions but please don't drool on the High Gloss