Yes, it does....most of it flew by without me finding the pics. I also frequent the board a lot less, so that did not help

I recently moved and when cleaning out closets and such, there they were!!!

I plan to have them scanned - brochure as well - and them figure out how to post them.

Couple of things stuck out when I looked at the Axiom brochure - the slogan "We engineer Pleasure" on the front, and a picture of a youg engineering type, tall thin with a moustache and full head of hair, a young Ian!!! Inside a Post It note that I wrote "$38.82 each, Noreen, Joe Mon-Fri 9-5" I made this when I called to exchange drivers fro my AX3's in approx. 1996!!

As for the factory, it is shocking how it was a real garage operation from the inside!!!