Finally something i know a little bit about.

well if you're just getting started in scotch i would recommend a glenlivet 15 year old. You should be able to pick that up for about 50.

I personally prefer slightly smokier scotches. Talisker is a safe bet if you want a slightly smoky, but still very smooth single malt. It is beginner friendly as well, but will cost you 70+.

If you want extra smoky you can go with either an ardbeg or a lavagulin. The lavagulin is like a cigar in a glass. And remember good scotch is best drank near in a snifter glass at room temperature or slightly above it. Some like to put in a few drops of water to help release the aroma, but i do not do this.

PeachTree 65se, PeachTree D5 and SVS SB1000 - Stereo
M80s, M22s, SVS PB3000