Best bike accident story... riding to the park with a friend when I was about 23 or so, I just looked over and asked him to check his speedo to see what we were doing for speed. He says 34 km/h (21.13 MPH) and as I look up, a smallish dog is running across the street in front of me...

Anyone that rides, races or has watched Days of Thunder knows the one truth is "aim for it, it won't be there when you get there"... I would just like to add to that that there is the possibility that it will go past you, get scared, and turn back in front of you.

Luckily it was a new bike and I hadn't put on my clipless pedals yet. As I hit the dog, my front wheel stopped dead, turning my forward momentum into rotational force around the front hub and launching me over the bars. I remember hitting the pavement on my hands, elbows and knees and being amazed at how far my magnetic sunglasses were flyi... OH MY GOD... EVERYTHING HURTS.

So I get up, turn to my buddy and ask his opinion on how bad off I am, showing him my arms... he dry-heaved. Great, thanks for the support. Ended up getting him to put my bike into 8th and rode myself the 4km home without using my hands.

That sucked, still better than being t-boned by a car speeding out of a McDonald's drive-thru when I was 14.

Bren R.