The SVS box subs now come in different finishes, so that helps with the WAF.
I have M22's and they do actually produce good bass for music, it is not hard, gut-thumping bass, but it is there, you will not miss anything in the music, you just may not feel it as much. A sub is helpful and adds a lot, especially to HT, but you will be surprised how good the 22's sound without using a sub. I actually prefer no sub when listening to 2 channel music. If you just want to listen to music and not rock out at ridiculously loud volumes, the 22's will make you very happy. Then you can add a sub later. However, in a HT environment, a sub is a must, because movies go down really low, even with M80's you will need a sub.
So I would recommend the 22's now, and when you move to the basement, get 80's or 60's.