Hey, northern Californians - I'm looking squarely at you, Ken! - I will likely be attending the APA's Annual Meeting, which is being held May 16-21, 2009, in San Francisco. I'll be traveling with family (Gail, Nolan) and may take a jaunt up to redwood country. I'm in the "checking out airfares and hotels" stage. If/when plans are finalized, I'll update the thread.

I figured it'd be a good idea to post my travel plans in the hope that I might meet up with some of you guys. Meeting Axiomites in person has been consistently rewarding over the years.

Plus, where else will you have the chance to see 20,000 psychiatrists all in one place? The city will be even crazier than usual, I suspect.

Here's hoping for more good times!

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.