So the situation is my brother bought a 50" Samsung 720p plasma with Shaw HDTV cablebox. He happily watched it for about a month with a pair of M3s. I then lent him an M2 to try out as a center. Shortly thereafter he started feeling nauseous with a headache after about an hour watching tv (after a couple weeks this was reduced to about 15 min). I had him disconnect the M2 and play with a bunch of video settings and after a couple weeks of total abstinence he can now get through about an hour before the symptoms return. He has tried different viewing positions/distances to no effect. I can't test out his system for myself as I live elsewhere.

Anybody heard of this reaction to HDTV or plasma? Could it just have been the M2 he hated and this is now a psych problem?

M80s/VP160/QS8s/EP350; M22s; M3s.