Originally Posted By: sirquack
Yeah Grunt I hear ya, I've been out of it for awhile, but have a blackbelt in RyuTe Kempo Karate. I almost put him to sleep with a few pressure point strikes, but thought, oh well....

It's hard not to let training take over and just react isn‘t it? While stationed in New Zealand as and embassy guard another Marine and I (both having just come from high threat posts) were walking down Lampton Quay when there was a loud bang. We both dove into opposite sides of a shop doorway reaching in our jackets (for guns we aren’t carrying) to cover each direction. All of the Kiwis walking nearby stopping and stared at us. Realizing it was just a car backfiring we got up and looked at them and said “We’re Yanks! They all started nodding and looking at each other like it all made sense now.

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