btw I NEVER said any particular amp could or couldn't handle any particular situation. What I said is that a given amp does care what impedance it is seeing. If it didn't care than you would never had any problems with a mismatch. Some amps are more sensitive to this issue than others. Just like high end audio, the PA amps have the same problems with overheating and shutdowns with having a wrong load on them. These amp ratings are given for a reason. Just because an amp doesn't shut down doesn't necessarily mean that it is a proper match.

I am also convinced by so many that are actually doing this, that it seems to be working without any problems for some. I am not worried with my situation of a Denon2309 with the M80's for 2 reasons. So many here use Denons without a problem AND I spoke to Denon Tech Support 2 weeks ago that told me that it shouldn't be an issue. If anyone has any concerns it might be best to call the Tech Support of your amp to have a technical question answered. But giving a pat answer that an amp doens't care what it sees doesn't seem to be the responsible answer to give.