Originally Posted By: TheFactor
Picked 3 blurays on sale today, Serenity, National Treasure 2 and The Dark Knight , I plan on watching National Treasure 2 tonight. Anyone seen any of these hopefully they'll be good.

You are joking right? "Has anyone seen Dark Knight?" No, had not heard of that one... A Thread of Interest to You ;\)
Seriously, don't just dabble in the Dark Knight - you know, "let me drop in a see what this is about". Get the mood right (wine and...well mostly wine for me), get the speakers all ready for action, levitate the wires, fire up the crystals and enjoy what I think is the best visual and auditory demo material made to date – and not a bad story at all. It will use every available Hz and Watt your system has to offer. Then watch the bonus material and then re-watch the movie in a critical mood. I was more impressed once I was clued in to what to watch for. Great film - and I'm not a comic book fan.

Also, the stands look great, huge improvement. But you should try moving that left surround further from the listening position and adjust the delay on the AVR. With a tweeter so close to you, it is really hard for the sound wrap around the back of you. If you stick with those speakers, also try aiming them at the back wall so as to make the first reflection hit the listening position and the direct sound come off axis. I did this with my last surrounds and it helped a good bit with rear imaging in a similar setup with the rear wall just behind the listening position. But the more distance from tweeter to ear, the better in your set up - in my humble opinion, worth most of the two cents it sells for!

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire