Originally Posted By: BoB/335
Reading this thread makes me want to cancel my order. I know there's this whole science thing to room treatments but I don't intend or hope to do anything. Does that mean my room will suck too?

Nope. Only two members at a time are allowed to have rooms that sucketh. Right now its me and Mark. You'll have to wait your turn. ;\)

Even in a room that sucks, the M80s sound great. Way better than that Mini stereo I had.

My room sucks because of two flaws: concrete walls (very reflective to both high and low frequencies, its basically square. Because of that, I will get a lot of milage out of some some basic treatments.

Actually, I am picking up a used parametric equalizer this weekend to tame a major peak in the bass region. If it works, I should get rid of some major boom that hopefully also tanslates to more LFE impact and more bass detail in music.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!